26 Nov 2018 Angular is the most popular framework for building single page web applications to see the website browser needs to download main.js file, execute, importing such module in app.module will increase the bundle size To solve this issue we can lazy load images, load only when the users gets to them
13 Mar 2014 Another option is to adopt new image formats like WebP and JPeg Browser caching stores cache versions of static resources, a process that You can compress your content significantly in order to improve your website performance. and so on, you will speed up parsing, downloading and executing.
26 Aug 2016 Using WebP images can yield substantially lower file sizes for your images, so the JPEG is never downloaded in a WebP-capable browser. that will improve the user experience of your website by allowing it to load faster.
2 Jul 2019 Learn how to use the Angular service worker to precache the static assets in your app. The ng-add schematic also adds a file called ngsw-config.json to the directly downloaded in the background by the ngsw-worker.js script: Using a service worker for precaching can improve the performance of your 17 Nov 2018 There are two popular libraries to embed a PDF file in your Angular application. In a way, it's crazy to use a library to display PDF files in a browser. Download the PDF. That's because the ships with HTML code, CSS, images, Learn how to download file with Angular from asp.net Core Web API or URL. CSV files, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PDF reports and images are of files that a functional Angular web app needs to be able to download to browser. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate Content. Code · Figures · Icons usage · Icons list · Images · Typography. CSS Material Design for Bootstrap (Angular version). Angular many more. Download Quick demo Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. Click here We love the project and enhance as much as possible. Convert an html page into image using html2canvas JavaScript library. then first change the document into image format and then start downloading it instead of Net, C#, jQuery, AngularJs, Gridview, MVC, Now browser starts downloading Please Improve this article if you find anything incorrect by clicking on the 21 Feb 2018 Get to know Angular 5 by building a simple notes application in this tutorial. If we navigate our browser to that link, it will be displayed as pictured here: like directives but simpler, to allow you to upgrade to Angular 2. {{ title }}!
Download the PDF. That's because the ships with HTML code, CSS, images,